尊敬的用戶: 您好,為進一步提升STARTRADER的競爭力和優化客戶的交易體驗,從2024年5月20日起,所有美股產品的槓桿將進行調整。 調整詳情如下: 產品代號 原槓桿 變更後槓桿 All US Shares美股 1:20 1:33 *所有日期均為GMT+3(MT4/MT5伺...
了解更多App New Upgrade Announcement
Dear valued clients, In order to provide you with better online trading services, we will be launching a brand-new upgrade to our App this c...
了解更多Client Portal and App New Upgr...
Dear valued clients, In order to provide you with better online trading services, we will be launching a brand-new upgrade to our Client Por...